Metaliteracy Learning Pathways: Fostering Innovative Teaching Across SUNY

Ms. Kelsey O'Brien Senior Assistant Librarian

Project Team
  • Stephanie Affinito
  • Trudi Jacobson
  • Dr. Michele Forte
  • Karen Gardner-Athey
  • Dr. Donna Mahar

University at Albany


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

"With the support of a 2016 IITG and University Libraries funding, a collaborative team at the University at Albany and Empire State College have been working to scale and refine the Metaliteracy Badging System for Open SUNY. This learning system, which has seen great success at UAlbany, enhances students’ ability to participate successfully and responsibly in today’s online living and learning environment. In order to bring this open resource to scale, it is essential that tools be in place to facilitate flexible and sustainable applications of the system across disciplines and institutions.

Learning pathways, a developing feature of badge ecosystems, have emerged from this work as an exciting new solution that will enable sustainable customization of the Metaliteracy Badging System. The integration of this cutting edge functionality will allow educators across disciplines and institutions to remix and build upon the existing metaliteracy content with discipline-specific ""tokens."" The resulting learning pathways will facilitate wide-scale application of metaliteracy concepts to courses and subject areas across SUNY.

2017 IITG funding is requested to bring this project to its full potential toward the following goals:
1. Customize and remix metaliteracy content according to disciplinary themes by integrating new learning pathway functionality into the Metaliteracy Badging System.
2. Extend and apply metaliteracy concepts to specific disciplines, programs and courses with customized metaliteracy “tokens.”
3. Model potential applications of the Metaliteracy Badging System across disciplines and SUNY institutions by showcasing featured learning pathways in Educators Corner. "