Scaling up OER Discovery and Adoption: Building an open digital learning and publishing network across SUNY

Katherine Pitcher

Project Team
  • Ginger Bidell, SUNY Buffalo State
  • Allison Brown, SUNY Geneseo
  • Leah Galka, SUNY Buffalo State
  • Leah Root, SUNY Geneseo
  • Ryann Lindsay, SUNY Geneseo



Tier Three


Project Abstract:

Create a networked approach to the digital learning and publishing development of open educational resources (OER) within the SUNY system.
There will be three major areas of exploration within this project:
1. Create a faculty course supports team and community of practice for OER adoption and development.
2. Create and develop a digital publishing and learning platform to curate and support this OER content which is openly licensed and may be reused, remixed, and adopted into future courses.
3. Develop a sustainable service and business model for OER content creation, curation, and hosting through Open SUNY Textbooks.
The 2016 IITG RFP “…seeks to reward applicants who leverage and build upon previous IITG projects and SUNY initiatives currently underway…” and this proposal is designed to build upon the successes of the IITG-funded “Open SUNY Textbooks” (funded in both 2012-13 and 2013-14) and the 2015-16 “SUNY Open Educational Resources: Improving Faculty Discovery and Adoption” projects. This new grant will use both brand recognition of the Open SUNY Textbooks (OST) model and leverage already successful partnerships developed in the SUNY OER project to support and scale-up faculty adoption, remixing, and creation of OER content across SUNY courses. A major benefit of supporting this project would be “…taking learning to scale…” through the development of a common digital learning and publishing platform and service model which utilizes networks and focuses talent and expertise on creating solutions to meet the needs of SUNY’s Excels Framework (Access, Completion, Success, Inquiry, and Engagement).