OER for Dual-Enrollment High School Courses: A Pilot Study of the North Rockland High School College in the High School Program

Elizabeth Kendall

Project Team
  • Jingfeng Xia, Rockland Community College

Rockland Community College


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

Rockland Community College (RCC) offers a high school program that allows students to earn college credits while in their own high school through dual enrollment. RCC faculty help to build the curriculum, assess instructor credentials, and approve textbook selections. Currently, seven high schools in Rockland County participate in the program with their student paying minimally for College courses.

And all textbooks used for these courses are funded and supplied by RCC. Because of the popularity of the courses, it has cost RCC significantly every year. However, since these are all general education courses, there are free alternatives for the textbooks. RCC proposes a pilot study to research appropriate OER materials to substitute print textbooks in its high school programs. Researching potential OER materials will be the responsibility of RCC’s library staff while selection of the materials will be driven by RCC faculty members. This end product of this pilot is to create a system for OER research, selection, implementation, and training for institutions working in their local high schools. This project supports SUNY’s intention to further the use of technology in the service of pedagogy.