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Project NameScaling Locally-Led Development and Sustainability (LLDS) Projects with Digital Badges
Principal InvestigatorMara Huber
CampusUniversity at Buffalo
Year of Project2023
Amount of Award:$57,000.00
Overview Summary

This IITG proposal seeks to expand access to Global SDG Project Challenges and Digital Badges offered through the UB Experiential Learning Network (ELN) through engaging students and faculty across SUNY along with their global partners.

Project Abstract

As interest in Experiential Learning (EL) continues to grow, students are seeking opportunities to get close to the world, exploring solutions to our most pressing sustainability challenges while cultivating skills, competencies and credentials. While some SUNY students have access to global sustainability EL offerings, opportunities are uneven and inaccessible to many. Finding scalable and equitable ways to support student interest through leveraging the expertise and relationships of faculty and staff across SUNY institutions represents an important area for innovation, investment, and impact. This IITG proposal seeks to expand access to locally-led development and sustainability (LLDS) projects and digital badges offered through the UB Experiential Learning Network (ELN) by engaging students, faculty and partners throughout SUNY and
beyond. In addition to student outcomes, the proposed activities will support the development of digital tools and curricular resources for faculty and partners and plans to further scale engagement for catalytic reach and impact.

Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress
  • Micro Credentialing (Badging)
Connected Learning Models
  • Active Learning
Organizational Issues: Teaching & Learning
  • Innovative Organizational Partnerships