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Project NameProject Power Play: Mobile Pathways for Players on the Move!
Principal InvestigatorHelen ("Nellie") Drew
CampusUniversity at Buffalo
Year of Project2023
Amount of Award:$45,800.00
Overview Summary

These stackable, credit-based courses introduce students and athletes to the business of team operations, venue management and related career opportunities in professional sports.

Project Abstract

The UB Center for the Advancement of Sport has partnered with several UB schools to expand a pilot of stackable, “mobile-on-the-move” credit bearing courses to online learners at SUNY and beyond. Project Power Play: Mobile Pathways for Players on the Move! serves students and athletes at the collegiate, minor, and professional league levels who often lack the opportunity to complete their educational pathway during post-career transition. Additionally, New York State has introduced legislation regarding NCAA student athlete “Name, Image and Likeness” (NIL) which has challenged institutions on how to best implement policies that support athletes and comply with these new regulations. With continued interest from professional sports team personnel and related player associations, the Center is in a rare position to assist campuses and athletes with stackable micro credentials featuring athletes and experts guiding learners of all ages in better understanding the business of sport.

Assessment, Understanding, Monitoring Student Progress
  • Micro Credentialing (Badging)
Discipline Specific Pedagogy
  • Professional Education
Organizational Issues: Teaching & Learning
  • Innovative Organizational Partnerships