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Initiating Conversations About the End of Life: The Advanced Illness Decision Simulation Environment

Awarded Grant: $38,883

Principal Investigator:

Deborah Waldrop, University at Buffalo

Healthcare decision-making about the end of life has evolved resulting from technological advances that both save and prolong life.  Public and private discourse about the benefits and burdens of life-sustaining treatments have underscored the importance of identifying preferences, but there is a discrepancy between patients’ wishes and their actual experiences at the end of life. We will develop the Advanced Illness Decision Support Environment (AIDSE) and utilize simulation technology to create an environment to engage students in active, real-time learning about how to initiate and facilitate decision-making conversations with patients about their goals for care and desired outcomes.

Co-PI’s and Key Partners:

Mary Ann Meeker, DNS, Associate Professor, UB School of Nursing (Co-PI)
David Milling, MD, Senior Associate Dean, UB School of Medicine (Co-PI)
Steve Sturman, Instructional Designer, UB School of Social Work (key partner)
Karen Zinnerstrom, PhD, Coordinator, UB School of Medicine Clinical Competency Center (key partner)
Tony Guzman, UB School of Social Work, Director of Online Education (key partner)

Reports and Resources:

You can view a description of the project and its outcomes by visiting the web sites linked below. There is also a link to the materials that were developed so that you can access them, review them, and integrate them into your courses if you would like.

Creative Commons License:
