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Giving/Getting Access to Scholarly and Instructional Material

Awarded Grant: $5,000

Principal Investigator:

Mary Jo Orzech, Brockport

A one-day conference, Friday, October 26, 2012, at The College at Brockport will help faculty and researchers understand and safeguard intellectual property rights in producing and consuming information. The May 2012 federal court decision in the closely-watched Georgia State case makes the conversation especially timely. The program will include discussion of the copyright and licensing environments in general, and alternatives to current models including the open access movement.

The conference will address questions such as “How do new publishing alternatives affect my scholarship, instructional design, and teaching?” and “What should I tell students producing new projects about protecting their Intellectual property?” Participants will come away with an awareness of key issues, trends and best practices in the use of scholarly and instructional materials where the real innovation begins. Conference materials will be posted in The SUNY Learning Commons for additional discussion.

Co-PI’s and Key Partners:

Andrew Perry, SUNY Oneonta

Reports and Resources:

Creative Commons License:

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