E-portfolios to Engage Student Veterans at Suffolk County Community College
Awarded Grant: $10,000
Principal Investigator:
Susan P. Lieberthal, Suffolk Community College
Suffolk County Community College will offer e-portfolio training to student veterans that integrates writing, video editing and information literacy. The project will strengthen student academic engagement and result in individualized electronic presentations for student job interviews or college transfer. The Library will provide exclusive access to a space with computers for Student Veterans Association (SVA) members twice per week during which time an e-portfolio consultant will instruct facilitators and students. Faculty and the SVA Advisor will support students in person and through use of short videos. Faculty and other college staff including the Career Services and Cooperative Education directors will also meet with students. ETU professionals will assess progress with each of the three e-portfolio elements: a writing sample, video, and bibliography. Students will demonstrate their e-portfolios and one student representative will travel to CIT with the PI to present outcomes.
Co-PI’s and Key Partners:
Krista Gruber, Associate Professor and Reader Services Librarian, Suffolk Community College
Paul Basileo, Associate Professor and the Coordinator of the Ammerman Campus Educational Technology Unit (ETU), Suffolk Community College
Meridith Leo, English Instructor, Suffolk Community College
Danna Prather Davis, Assistant Professor of Communications, Suffolk Community College
Nancy Wozniak, Consultant, Learning Architect and e-portfolio Program Manager, Stony Brook University
Reports and Resources: