Electronic Portfolios to Enhance Experiential Learning and Assessment in Internship Courses
Awarded Grant: $15,000
Principal Investigator:
Gary Halada, Stony Brook University
At Stony Brook University we will create an electronic portfolio approach to ensure a meaningful, academically rigorous outcome from internships, including a template based upon standards and goals of experiential learning and a website which connects students with internships and builds dissemination with the Long Island Alternative Energy Consortium of seven academic institutions dedicated to strengthening energy education. The project includes workshops for internship supervisors, representatives from regional industrial associations, faculty coordinators, and experts in experiential learning, eportfolios and assessment, to enhance the template and website, explore best practices for experiential learning, generate internships, and assess progress and benefits to both student learning and workforce development.
Reports and Resources:
- Poster presentation from the “SPARKS of INNOVATION: The Future of Teaching and Learning” conference at Stony Brook University, Friday, April 12, 2013, entitled “Electronic Portfolios to Enhance Experiential Learning and Assessment in Internship Courses”. The poster summarizes the design of the project in which electronic portfolios (eportfolios) are to be used as an ideal mechanism to enhance experiential learning in undergraduate internships. Eportfolios are envisioned as a method to enhance instructors’ ability to assess student learning outcomes and the ability of industrial mentors to supervise and direct interns. Further, we show how eportfolios, through student reflection and direct assessment of activities, can help programs meet the challenges of program accreditation. IITG-poster-Halada.pdf
- Oral presentation from the “SPARKS of INNOVATION: The Future of Teaching and Learning” conference at Stony Brook University, Friday, April 12, 2013, entitled “Electronic Portfolios to Enhance Experiential Learning and Assessment in Internship Courses”. e-internship-Sparks-presentation-2013.pdf
- A video of the presentation is available for download: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx4tkG7Nn9I
- The electronic portfolio template developed for this project details what is expected as learning outcomes from students in internships. InternEmployersurveyed2012.doc
- Project Website: https://stonybrook.digication.com/engineering_internships/Welcome/
- Project outcomes report