Projects Underway

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Making Movement Stick: Delivering a Movement Analysis Course

Dr. Helena Baert

Project Team
  • Dr. Matthew Madden
  • Dr. Larissa True
  • Dr. Thomas Frank, Interim Director, Research and Sponsored Programs



Tier Three


Project Abstract:

Physical education teachers are responsible for teaching children to become component movers. Consequently, they must have the ability to accurately observe, analyze and assess movement skills. The aim of this project is to deliver an online educational resource (OER) in movement analysis to pre-service and in-service teachers and professionals in related fields. The OER will consist of 16 gross motor modules, and will be offered as an innovative professional learning opportunity to national and international audiences and shared through the OPEN SUNY system. Ultimately, the OER will allow professionals to gain the knowledge and skills needed to analyze and correct movement skills and consequently provide children with congruent feedback to enhance their movement skills.

Project Outcome: