Sharing Your OER Story

As you adopt OER, consider sharing your OER story with your colleagues, and campus OER advocates. Your individual OER initiative can motivate other faculty and staff to get involved in OER as you explore the potential benefits to your students, and the campus as a whole.

Listen in to Mya Brown, Assistant Professor of Acting & Directing in the Department of Theatre at SUNY Oswego, as she shares her OER story:

As just one measure of how impactful these OER stories can be, Achieving the Dream highlighted the role of individual contributors towards the development of an entire campus OER Degree program in its 2018 report, “Participant Experiences and Financial Impacts: Findings from Year 2 of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative”:

OER degree initiatives often originated from grassroots faculty adoption. In most cases, faculty members pioneered use of OER on their campuses, and then many went on to serve as champions and mentors to scale up activities.

Telling your story can have wide ripple effects across a campus, a discipline, and a community.

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