Autonomous E-Learning
Buffalo State College
The following orientation video tells more about this Autonomous Learning e-learning innovation, including instructions for student use. Instructor preparations basically involve configuring the 'Private' mode for the "Journal" tool and the construction and integration of an electronic rubric. In addition, this component may be further integrated into the gradebook in such a way as to allow periodic updating of rubric scores and instructor comments.
Link to Autonomous Language Learning orientation:
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-Determination Theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. The Guilford Press. For more on Deci and Ryan's Human Motivation Research group at the University of Rochester, consult:
Warford, M. K. (2017). E-learning and the disciplines. Handbook of research on building, growing, and sustaining e-learning programs. IGI Global:
Vygostky, L. S. (2012). Thought and language: Revised and expanded edition. MIT Press. (Original work published in 1934).
A spring 2020 review of implementation of Autonomous Language Learning across Chinese, French, and Spanish (N=75) demonstrated:
-68% of students exceeded the standard,
-16% met, and
-only 16% of the students demonstrated below-standard achievement, though half of these were close to passing.
Here is a sample assignment description. SLOs are consistent across all languages and levels
Aprendizaje Autónomo
Following the submission of your first week Muestra de Escritura (writing samples), you will receive feedback within an ‘Diario de Aprendizaje Autónomo’ (‘Autonomous Language Learning’) folder that will be set up for you in a special forum located in the course website. You will complete a minimum of 10 tasks/assignments based on your own needs and interests (personal and professional) as well as instructor feedback. You and the instructor will collaborate throughout the course, using a dedicated, personalized folder. Tasks should reflect a balance of focus on grammar forms and the development of sociolinguistic, cultural competency (i.e. professional contexts), All should reflect areas that fit your sustained engagement in improving your proficiency in the target language. Following are typical work samples. If there are tasks that you would like to add, please inform the instructor.
There are needs for language experts in every sector of the 21st century global workforce; take advantage of this unique opportunity to be the Spanish language expert in your career plans!
Sociolinguistic exploration:
-Find and summarize readings in the target language related to career aspirations and personal interests. Document terminology related to your field that you learn from these sources.
-Attend and report on campus- and community-based functions that feature engagement with the target language and its cultures (clubs, community partners, special events).
-Skype Communities conversation partner sessions with native speakers.
-Watch and summarize Spanish broadcasts, movies, YouTube videos
Focus on forms (grammar exploration and practice):
-Close analysis of recurrent grammar or orthographic errors.
-Screenshots of completed online language practice exercises from Ayuda Grammatical or other web-based sources (PrntScr button or use other freeware for screen capture), accompanied by brief reflection.
-Analysis of print and web-based sources related to major, targeted profession for grammar, specialized terms.
This is also a great place to pose questions to the instructor regarding Spanish grammar and culture.
Document at least 10 work samples by the end of the semester.
Exceeds Standard. (4.5 to 5 points): Self-regulation is clearly established, evidenced by timely, appropriate and substantive responses to feedback, careful matching of needs with choice of text and or on-line exercises, as well as in selection of original, individualized tasks.
Meets Standard. (3.7 to 4.4 points) Self-regulation evidenced by (mainly) timely, appropriate and substantive matching of needs with choice of text and or on-line exercises; may select original, individualized tasks.
Approaches Standard. (3 to 3.6 points): Self-regulation (somewhat) undermined by lack of timeliness, appropriateness, or substance of responses to feedback. Somewhat haphazard matching of needs with choice of text and or on-line exercises; some individualization of assignments.
Below standard. (0 to 2.9 points): Self-regulation (seriously) undermined by lack of timeliness, appropriateness or substance of responses to feedback. Haphazard matching of needs w/ choice of text and or on-line exercises; little to no evidence of individualization of assignments.
Exceeds Standard. (4.5 to 5 points) (Based on current status,) 10/+ assignments submitted, steady progress throughout.
Meets Standard. (3.7 to 4.4 points) (Based on current status,) (Nearly) 10 assignments submitted, effort not necessarily consistent/ progress not always substantive.
Approaches Standard. (3 to 3.6 points) (Based on current status,) 5-7 submitted. Some progress.
Below standard. (0 to 2.9 points) (Based on current status,) 0-4 submitted at end of semester, very little, if any progress noted.