Leveraging Panopto (or Another Screencast Software) Integrated with Brightspace to Provide Student Feedback
New Paltz, State University College at
Problem: Online, Hybrid and In-Person Students Not Attending to Written Feedback on Papers
Solution: Using Panopto (or another brand of screen casting software) to share comments on student work
I have found that it takes approximately 15 minutes to provide feedback on student drafts and other assignments, whether I write out my comments or use Panopto to capture my screen. Instead of typing out my comments, I can bring up a student's draft, comment upon it verbally, and embed my comments directly into the student's gradebook on Brightspace.
The student feedback on this approach has been overwhelming positive. I gave a presentation about my approach to this kind of feedback during National Distance Learning Week and have provided both an .mp4 file and PDF file to my presentation below.
I have anecdotal feedback provided by my students. You can learn about this feedback through the two files I have uploaded. I have additional SEI feedback but am hesitant to share such personal files with a general audience. I hope that you will be able to click on these results to get a sense of student satisfaction with this approach to providing feedback:
Summary Link for Class One: https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?AnalyzerToken=S3TuGjbk4ppvHI4XRiCGSKlJuA8Jxxyh&id=N1fU61KzIke7DJ9Tm8v6ZT9_5diX171OkPwH3rhFJNtUMFo4WjBLOUtIQ1lHVUNGMFNaTUNCVldNSC4u
Summary Link for Class Two: https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?AnalyzerToken=KtaA4AIKwRcQXi2iobtb1DKZf6wJvDAi&id=N1fU61KzIke7DJ9Tm8v6ZT9_5diX171OkPwH3rhFJNtUOTBLUjJTS1pSVVdFNzIzMjRPMVcxNjJTSy4u
I have anecdotal feedback provided by my students. You can learn about this feedback through the two files I have uploaded. I have additional SEI feedback but am hesitant to share such personal files with a general audience. I hope that you will be able to click on these results to get a sense of student satisfaction with this approach to providing feedback:
Summary Link for Class One: https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?AnalyzerToken=S3TuGjbk4ppvHI4XRiCGSKlJuA8Jxxyh&id=N1fU61KzIke7DJ9Tm8v6ZT9_5diX171OkPwH3rhFJNtUMFo4WjBLOUtIQ1lHVUNGMFNaTUNCVldNSC4u
Summary Link for Class Two: https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?AnalyzerToken=KtaA4AIKwRcQXi2iobtb1DKZf6wJvDAi&id=N1fU61KzIke7DJ9Tm8v6ZT9_5diX171OkPwH3rhFJNtUOTBLUjJTS1pSVVdFNzIzMjRPMVcxNjJTSy4u
In terms of instructor assessment and impact on student work, I have found that this method saves me time (in terms of typing in comments on student work) and helps students to avoid common errors with assignments. When I use this approach with low-stakes, pre-writing assignments, I am able to help student understand where they have misunderstood the parameters of an assignment and the directions. In addition, when I leave video screen capture feedback on drafts, I find that large picture errors (problems with organization, focus, etc.) are kept to a minimum. It can even help with sentence level errors as I can isolate a problem and discuss it briefly, focusing on the student's own writing.