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Enhancing the Quality of Hybrid and Online Courses by Enforcing and Motivating Techniques and Tools for Maximum Engagement In Discussions

Old Westbury, State University College at


This presentation is a continuous improvement of skills collected from nearly two decades of teaching online and hybrid courses at two colleges of Old Westbury and Empire State College. In an online and hybrid environment, the discussion forum has been a central engagement and participation, compared to traditional face-to-face courses. Learners are assigned to get involved in the discussions and the instructor tries to bridge the gap between face-to-face classroom interactions. Early feedback is one of the techniques of social presence that instructors use to ensure the class activities in the discussions are maximized and the direction of discussions is in order. This technique has its own challenges of learners interacting instead with instructors and responding to the feedback rather than their own classmates. On the other side, early feedback is a common technique with feedback at the end of module courses. A drawback will be that a topic may propagate in the wrong direction. A balanced technique for the discussion would be for the instructor to monitor the discussions and respond to the post without giving feedback or right or wrong but stressing what has been presented and even motivating the learners to elaborate when necessary or if they can expand the topic. To motivate the learners in the discussions. Assign a high score like 20% to 35% of the final grade to the discussions with its two-week duration along its module. The evaluation of discussions will be done at the end of the module both considering quality and quantity. It is possible to incorporate a strategy to enhance discussions as a central part of online and hybrid courses where the course activities are directed and prioritized. To ensure quality several enforcing and motivational techniques are introduced in conjunction with the existing tools of Learning Management Systems. A technique of indirect feedback encourages learners to post more and build toward quality value. The motivation scheme used at discussions makes everyone participate and contribute. A smart medium like a camera and recording voice make it easy to contribute and have fun. The study illustrates the use of enforcing and applying techniques that can total quality of discussions resulting in a total quantity of the course, The use of instructional tools such as monitors, would be ideal for course performance. The study concludes the differences in the discussion of online and hybrid courses.