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Social Networking Activities

The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders. Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize. Social Networking activities take place virtually and in-person throughout the event. Networking with friends & colleagues at the […]

D2L Connection Event

This year Day 3 of the SUNY Online Summit will be sponsored and coordinated by D2L. A separate registration is required. There will be no charge for this event, and it will NOT be streamed live, or recorded. The D2L Connection event will take place in-person at the SUNY Global Center on March 1, 2024 […]

Panel: Hot Topics in FERPA

With the increase in use of digital tools and digital teaching and learning platforms post-pandemic, and growing concerns about the protection of student data, there are increasing questions about how to ensure that student data protected by FERPA is safeguarded in digital teaching and learning environments.  In a System like SUNY, there are additional questions […]