Panel: Hot Topics in FERPA
With the increase in use of digital tools and digital teaching and learning platforms post-pandemic, and growing concerns about the protection of student data, there are increasing questions about how to ensure that student data protected by FERPA is safeguarded in digital teaching and learning environments. In a System like SUNY, there are additional questions that arise about both the campus and system’s role with regard to FERPA.
This panel will bring together subject matter experts at the national, SUNY, and campus level to address questions that have surfaced with the implementation of SUNY’s Digital Learning Environment (DLE) – some that are new and some that continue to be asked year after year. Attend this session to hear about what FERPA is and isn’t, what some of the current issues and trends are and how a system like SUNY is addressing this from both the System and campus levels.
Moderator: Kim Scalzo, Interim Senior Associate Provost of Digital Innovation and Academic Services.
- Scott Goldschmidt, Partner, Thompson Coburn, LLP.
- Adam Haney, Assistant Deputy General Counsel, SUNY Office of General Counsel.
- Karen Chico Hurst, Registrar, SUNY University at Albany.
DAY 3: March 10, 2023
11:00AM – 12:00PMTracks: Online Admin/Leadership, Online Student Support, Online Instructional Designers, Online Faculty