SUNY Financial Fact Book, 30 June 2023 Fiscal Year

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Financial Data, Trends, Statistics, and Revenue

  • Revenues
  • Expenses
  • Operating programs and cash balances
  • Net tuition and State appropriations
  • Faculty and staff

III. Enrollment Planning and Academic Statistics

  • Enrollment statistics
  • Freshman application and acceptance statistics
  • Degrees granted by type
  • Tuition and fees, room and board rates per student

IV. Hospital Operations

  • Overview and hospital revenue by type
  • Key operating statistics

V. Research

  • Research Foundation sponsored program activity (cash basis)
  • Key operating statistics

VI. Residence Halls Operations

  • Comparative data
  • Equipment and rehabilitation and repair
  • Ratios
  • Occupancy rates

VII. Capital Program

  • Profile of facilities
  • Age of facilities
  • Indebtedness

VIII. Endowment and Similar Funds Investments

  • Market value of investments
  • Campus-related foundations

IX. Glossary of Terms

X. Reference Material

2023 SUNY Financial Fact Book