Snippet of the cover for the 2023 SUNY Financial Fact Book

SUNY Financial Fact Book, 30 June 2023 Fiscal Year

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Financial Data, Trends, Statistics, and Revenue

  • Revenues
  • Expenses
  • Operating programs and cash balances
  • Net tuition and State appropriations
  • Faculty and staff

III. Enrollment Planning and Academic Statistics

  • Enrollment statistics
  • Freshman application and acceptance statistics
  • Degrees granted by type
  • Tuition and fees, room and board rates per student

IV. Hospital Operations

  • Overview and hospital revenue by type
  • Key operating statistics

V. Research

  • Research Foundation sponsored program activity (cash basis)
  • Key operating statistics

VI. Residence Halls Operations

  • Comparative data
  • Equipment and rehabilitation and repair
  • Ratios
  • Occupancy rates

VII. Capital Program

  • Profile of facilities
  • Age of facilities
  • Indebtedness

VIII. Endowment and Similar Funds Investments

  • Market value of investments
  • Campus-related foundations

IX. Glossary of Terms

X. Reference Material

2023 SUNY Financial Fact Book