Come for the bunnies, stay for the taiko drumming

I headed off to see the open house at the Veterinary Medicine building after we finished up with the plenary (walking past the lacrosse game going on in the stadium and the youth chess club that seemed to be visiting campus for some program – what a great, geeky campus Cornell is!).

The open house was packed with parents and kids.  Dog rescue teams and rescue dogs being adored by those at the open house.  Lots of animal face painting going on.  I took in a round of the tick racing competition.

Also was there just at the perfect time to catch a demo performance by members of Yamatai – a taiko drumming group at Cornell.  What a way to decompress after the plenary!  Forget about making the rafters ring, you could feel the drumming go right through you.  And the drummers so clearly enjoying themselves.

Here’s the final minute or so of their last piece.

They just provided a sample this afternoon.  If you’re in the Cornell area on April 20th, you can catch Pulse, their annual show.  (7:00 pm.  Bailey Hall)

BTW, I never did come across the bunnies………