07:55:55 Jamie Heron (She/Her): Ground rules rule! 08:44:36 Judie Littlejohn (she/her): Nice presentation, Harry! 08:46:06 Sanghyun Jeon: just checking -- Is the Zoom link going to be the same for tomorrow's session as well? 08:47:06 Judie Littlejohn (she/her): I believe so 08:47:11 Sanghyun Jeon: could you also send me the agenda or program link? 08:47:36 John (he/him) Zelenak: https://online.suny.edu/summit/ 08:47:44 Tonka Jokelova (Canton): I believe Nancy will send an agenda 08:47:49 Judie Littlejohn (she/her): https://online.suny.edu/summit/program/ 08:47:53 John (he/him) Zelenak: The program is on that site