04:02:53 Kris Lynch (SUNY CPD): Please remember to stay on mute and keep your cameras off as to keep the recording as clean as possible. 04:02:58 Kris Lynch (SUNY CPD): Any questions that you may want to ask of the panel or presenter, please place them in the chat. Thanks! 04:03:43 John (he/him) Zelenak: I will be assisting with getting your questions to the nominees. 04:03:53 Allison Bond: Reacted to "I will be assisting ..." with πŸ‘ 04:20:22 John (he/him) Zelenak: one minute 04:32:11 Chrisie Mitchell: If we can getthe handout link in the chat that'd be great 04:32:26 Doris O (Adirondack): Reacted to "If we can getthe han..." with πŸ‘ 04:33:00 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Here's a link to my slides https://sunypotsdam-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/caldweke_potsdam_edu/EYjzJBUqU3NJi06rFooSLzoBuCBQROH5mPQBUgVdMg7C1g?e=se22zh 04:33:05 Chrisie Mitchell: Thank you! 04:33:31 Karen Caldwell (she/her): And to the site that instructors and students can use (including assignment examples) https://sites.google.com/view/eportfolio-for-learning/home 04:33:45 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Very welcome, @chrisie! 04:34:56 Sanghyun Jeon: Reacted to "And to the site that..." with πŸ‘ 04:35:03 Sanghyun Jeon: Reacted to "Here's a link to my ..." with πŸ‘ 04:35:31 Chris Price: Great presentation Karen! One of the things I was wondering is how you help students see e-portfolios as more than just a place to β€œput stuff”. Your presentation does answer that somewhat but what works best to communicate this? 04:35:52 Sanghyun Jeon: @Karen, so helpful 04:37:14 Karen Caldwell (she/her): @chris students have to "orient" their audience to the content by providing an overview at minimum and telling the story of the content throughout (starting from the landing page, where they welcome their visitors & explain how to navigate) 04:37:28 Karen Caldwell (she/her): They learn the STAR technique to explain larger artifacts such as projects 04:37:46 Karen Caldwell (she/her): S=situation, T=task, A=action, and R=result (an interview strategy) 04:38:25 Karen Caldwell (she/her): They're not allowed to do an information dump ;) - they tell a story that is the "connective tissue" 04:38:45 Karen Caldwell (she/her): @sanghyun, thank you! 04:39:21 Doris O (Adirondack): Reacted to "And to the site that..." with πŸ‘ 04:39:25 Doris O (Adirondack): Reacted to "Here's a link to my ..." with πŸ‘ 04:39:47 Chrisie Mitchell: interesting idea! 04:39:52 Diana Ruggiero: Wonderful Mat 04:39:57 Laura Sullivan: Thanks 04:40:11 Ken English (UB): Matt/Ben - thanks for this 04:40:23 Ben Rawdon | SUNY Canton: Reacted to "Matt/Ben - thanks fo..." with πŸ‘ 04:41:21 Mat Nichols: You are most welcome. Also if you are interested in implementing it, feel free to reach out to me at nicholsm@canton.edu or comment in our submission at https://online.suny.edu/suny-effective-online-practices-award-program/entry/10442/ 04:41:35 Doris O (Adirondack): Reacted to "You are most welcome..." with ❀️ 04:42:57 Mat Nichols: Sorry, that's our OSCQR submission. Here's our other submission for "Need Inspiration?" https://online.suny.edu/suny-effective-online-practices-award-program/entry/10440/ 04:44:21 rachelrigolino: Allison, Have faculty been willing to go along with this or do they resist doing this training? Rachel 04:45:13 rich mcelrath: Reacted to "Allison, Have facult..." with ❀️ 04:45:33 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Reacted to "interesting idea!" with πŸ™‚ 04:45:40 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Reacted to "Wonderful Mat" with πŸ™‚ 04:45:48 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Reacted to "Thanks" with πŸ™‚ 04:45:59 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Reacted to "Matt/Ben - thanks fo..." with πŸ™‚ 04:46:39 rich mcelrath: I may be partial but that's totally innovative 04:46:53 Diana Ruggiero: Could you share the modify rubric? 04:46:59 Diana Ruggiero: @Allison 04:47:09 Diana Ruggiero: dianaruggiero@gmail.com 04:47:23 Allison Bond: Rachel, we have had pretty good success with the faculty members that were able to participate, but we hope that in the future we can have more of an outreach πŸ™‚ When online reviews are required, it spurs the interest in understanding the standards. 04:47:56 Allison Bond: Replying to "dianaruggiero@gmail...." I am more than happy to! πŸ™‚ Sending shortly. 04:48:13 rich mcelrath: I modeled this idea from Rachel to do course reviews with our faculty in development 04:49:25 rachelrigolino: OK! 04:51:56 Katherina Searing. ESF: Yay Brandon! 04:52:06 Katherine A Lang: SUNY ESF Open Academy Professionals in Sustainability YouTube Playlist https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChyLrC9RJJrCIiy1IYStNZA 04:53:45 Katherina Searing. ESF: Reacted to "SUNY ESF Open Academ..." with πŸ‘ 04:56:17 Katherina Searing. ESF: Replying to "SUNY ESF Open Academ..." Yay Kathy! 04:58:16 Katherina Searing. ESF: YAY!!! 04:58:38 rachelrigolino: Reacted to "YAY!!!" with πŸŽ‰ 04:58:49 Steve Sturman - UBSSW: Congrats all!!! 04:58:56 Allison Bond: Great job everyone πŸ™‚ 04:58:57 rachelrigolino: Congrats!!!!!!! 04:58:58 John (he/him) Zelenak: What an amazing group of presentations! And, a robust chat conversation. Thanks everyone. 04:59:06 Terrance Keys: Congrats all! Good work! 04:59:19 Diana Ruggiero: πŸ‘ 04:59:23 Roberta (Robin) Sullivan: Whoo hoo! Yay! 04:59:36 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Congrats everyone - all the entries were great! 04:59:42 Allison Bond: Thank you! πŸ™‚ 04:59:48 John (he/him) Zelenak: Congratulations! 04:59:58 Katherine A Lang: Congrats all - great job!! 05:00:04 Doris O (Adirondack): πŸ‘ 05:00:08 Roberta (Robin) Sullivan: Congrats to UB’s SSW!!! 05:00:08 Diana Ruggiero: Congratulations 05:00:17 Katherina Searing. ESF: πŸ‘ 05:00:20 Karen Caldwell (she/her): Thanks to the organizers as well!