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Social Networking Activities

The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders. Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize. Social Networking activities take place virtually and in-person throughout the event. Networking with friends & colleagues at the […]

Recognition: Online Teaching Ambassadors

SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors have been nominated by their campus for this recognition as exemplary online educators, who are both enthusiastic and effective in online teaching, and honored for their positive contributions to the field of online teaching in SUNY. Each honoree will receive a certificate of recognition, a profile page on the SUNY Online […]


Share a mini presentation! Show, demo, or talk about your own innovation, best practice, cool tool, project, program, initiative, or idea (in online course design, instructional technology, online faculty development) in 3-minutes, or less. Please add your name and a bulleted list/summary of what you plan to share, including links if any 🙂 Moderator: […]

Online Learner Panel

This session will feature online learners from various SUNY campuses who will share their experiences and observations as  online students. Co- Moderators: Susan Warner, SUNY Online Student Supports/Success Project Manager Dr. Michele Forte, Associate Professor & Mentor in Community and Human Services, SUNY Empire State University. Profile    View Online Learner Panelists Tracks: Online Student Support, […]

Panel: SUNY Reports on AI

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) at SUNY Panel Moderator: Kim Scalzo, Interim Senior Associate Provost of DIAS

Panel: NYS Investments

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This year, the State of New York has made unprecedented investments in both student success and digital transformation infrastructure. This has led to new and exciting initiatives to come out of those areas to support SUNY faculty, students, and campus leaders. During this panel, Donna Linderman (Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Success) and Valerie Dent (Associate […]

Recognition: Effective Online Practices Showcase

The intention of a “community of practice” is to share what you know for the benefit of all in the community. The SUNY Effective Online Practices Award Program collects, shares, and showcases the online best practices, strategies, and innovative online teaching and learning activities of exemplary SUNY online practitioners from across the SUNY system. All […]

SUNY Welcome and Opening Session

This session will begin with welcoming remarks from the SUNY Provost. Highlights from digital innovation initiatives across the SUNY Provost’s Office will be provided. Specific updates will be shared from SUNY Online, including the state of online education in SUNY, how services are evolving to support the new Digital Learning Environment, accomplishments of the past […]

D2L Connection Event

This year Day 3 of the SUNY Online Summit will be sponsored and coordinated by D2L. A separate registration is required. There will be no charge for this event, and it will NOT be streamed live, or recorded. The D2L Connection event will take place in-person at the SUNY Global Center on March 1, 2024 […]