Panel: SUNY Artificial Intelligence
Panel: Artificial Intelligence: SUNY Task Force & FACT2 Task Group Reports
Panel Moderator:
Kim Scalzo, Interim Senior Associate Provost, SUNY Digital Innovation and Academic Services (DIAS)Tracks: Online Student Support, Online Admin/Leadership, Online Instructional Designers, Online Faculty, Plenary
SUNY AI Panelists:
SUNY AI Task Force

Atri Rudra is the Katherine Johnson Chair in Artificial Intelligence Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the SUNY University at Buffalo. Dr Rudra sits on the SUNY STRIVE Artificial Intelligence Task Force in the Social Impact; Ethics and Trustworthiness workgroup. LinkedIn Institutional Profile Google Scholar

Jason D’Cruz is an Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Philosophy Department at the University at Albany, State University of New York and the Principle Investigator for Trustworthy AI from a User Perspective, a project funded by a grant from the SUNY-IBM AI Research Alliance (2021-2023). He is also the Faculty Advisor for UAlbany’s vibrant Minorities and Philosophy Chapter and a member of VAMP, the interdisciplinary Mind Studies Association, and the Center for Technology and Government. Dr D’Cruz sits on the SUNY STRIVE Artificial Intelligence Task Force in the Social Impact; Ethics and Trustworthiness workgroup. www.jasondcruz.com Twitter (X) LinkedIn Google Scholar
SUNY FACT2 Task Group

Jeffrey Riman is an assistant professor at the SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology. Professor Riman is also an Instructional Designer and coordinator of the FIT Center for Excellence in Teaching. He is responsible for pedagogical support, integrating educational technologies, and providing the pedagogical support needed to effectively and responsibly integrate these technologies into the teaching space. He is also a part-time assistant professor at Parsons, the New School for Design in the School of Design Strategies, where he is a recipient of the school’s 2019 Distinguished University Teaching Award. Professor Riman is a Co-Chair of the FACT2 Task Group on Optimizing AI in Higher Education, sits on the SUNY STRIVE Artificial Intelligence Task Force in the Workforce and Industry workgroup, and is a past Chair of the FACT2 Council. LinkedIn

Billie Bennett Franchini directs the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, Learning, and Online Education (CATLOE) at the SUNY University at Albany. She leads a team of Instructional Consultants and Instructional Designers who provide a wide range of teaching support for faculty. She has worked in teaching and faculty development at the University at Albany for over sixteen years. She a Co-Chair of the FACT2 Task Group on Optimizing AI in Higher Education and serves on the SUNY STRIVE Artificial Intelligence Task Force in the Education workgroup. LinkedIn