Social Media Team Responsibilities
You have agreed to:
- Promote the Summit (with hashtag #SUNYOnlineSummit and links) before the conference to spread the word and generate some buzz about it.
- Live share/post the conference to varied social media networks to showcase presentations, presenters, links, information, resources, SUNY, SUNY Online, and our online community of online teaching and learning Fellows and practitioners.
1. Promoting the Summit:
You should begin sharing #SUNYOnlineSummit (caps in #’s matter for accessibility) information and posting, comments, reminders, conference info, questions, questions for the presenters, reflections, and like/favorite/share/repost things about the SUNY Online Summit via various social media networks immediately upon agreeing to be part of the team : ) Anything to get buzz going about the Summit!
Your unique interests and perspectives will add levels of dimension to the back channel for this event, before, during and after.
2. LIVE promoting the Summit:
Live promoting the conference will add fun, dynamic, exciting, and informative back channel conversations to the event experience. It will also add a mechanism to document the event, and it will extend the conversation to those not able to attend, those attending virtually, and extend the conversation beyond the end of the Summit.
If you have never live posted a conference, here is an excellent resource: (It is geared for Twitter/X, but can be adapted for other platforms.) https://20bedfordway.com/news/live-tweeting-events-guide/
Even if you have, please review it.
Some additional suggestions:
- Be sure to use and disseminate the #SUNYOnlineSummit hashtag.
- Use additional hashtags to extend your reach. #LrnChat #EdChat #OnlineLearning #HigherEd #SUNY #SUNYOnline, etc. (caps in #’s matter for accessibility)
Here is a comprehensive list of educational hashtags: http://www.cybraryman.com/edhashtags.html - Post photos/links/videos in FB, X, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Instagram, BlueSky, etc. Tag them with #SUNYOnline #SUNYOnlineSummit
- Add relevant/shared links to additional information to add depth to your post. (If the presenter shows a video or mentions a resource, person, event, thing -search, find, and post the URL.) The back channel is engaging and enhanced by what value you can add.
- Posts can be on any related topic, from questions, to hallway conversations, to reactions to the speakers. They will be collected and posted as part of the proceedings of the events.
Any questions may be directed to your Social Media Captain Erin Maney (@ExpertlyMade), @this_end_is_up