Social Networking Activities
The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders.
Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize.
Social Networking activities take place virtually and in-person throughout the event.
Networking with friends & colleagues at the Summit is a feature and tradition!
Affinity Group Networking Activities
Affinity Group / Summit Networking Discussion Sessions
This year special hour-long Affinity group sessions have been planned to encourage Summit participants (virtual and in-person) to:
- Reflect and consider how you might apply anything learned from any of the presentations at the summit.
- Discuss current initiatives, issues, and challenges being faced by your institution, online organization, online faculty, or online learners.
- Consider and share solutions or innovations being used or tested at your institution, within your org, or by your online faculty, or IDs.
- Explore opportunities with colleagues at the event for any types of collaborations between campuses, groups or individuals.
These sessions will take place on:
- Day 2 at 4:45 – 5:45PM
- Day 3 at 10:15AM – 11:15PM
Social Networking Activities:
For in-person attendees the morning and afternoon Breaks, Lunch & Dinner are intended to provide attendees with the opportunity to network. Please let us know if you would like to be introduced to someone, or to connect with someone on a particular topic or challenge you are interested in! We would be happy to make introductions!
For our virtual participants, use the #hashtag #SUNYOnlineSummit to contribute to the Summit backchannel and meet new friends & colleagues to share and enhance the virtual event experience for yourself and others!
- In Person: Join us for:
- Open Networking during Lunch on Day 1 & and Lunch and Dinner on Day 2.
- Self-organized affinity group Dinner-on-your-own arrangements on Day 1
- Affinity group Dinner Tables on Day 2
- Virtual: Join us for open networking with virtual participants
- Day 1 – stay for a virtual coffee break between sessions at 3:30-3:45PM
- Day 2 – virtual coffee break between sessions at 11:15-11:30AM & 3:30-3:45PM
- Virtual & In Person:
- Contribute to our online photo pool!
- Share ideas and comments from the Summit in the social platform of your choice with the #hashtag #SUNYOnlineSummit.
Learn more about the Summit Socials.
Summit Networking Coordinators:
John Zelenak, Operations Manager, SUNY Online. @JohnZelenak
Alexandra M. Pickett, Director of Online Teaching, SUNY Online, @alexpickett ,
Erin Maney, SUNY Online Communications & Community Engagement Manager. @expertlymade,
Susan Warner,
Michele Forte,
Maureen Kinney
Dan Feinberg
Steve Race,
Jamie Heron,
Viktorya Mirzoyan,
Mike Walker
Lin LinTrack: Plenary