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Networking Activities

The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders.

Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize.

Social Networking activities take place virtually and in-person throughout the event.

Networking with friends & colleagues at the Summit is a feature and tradition!

Affinity Group Networking Sessions

 Activate Your Ideas About Innovations Inspired By Your Experiences At The Summit With Your Colleagues

This year special hour-long Affinity Group sessions have been planned to encourage Summit participants (virtual and in-person) to:

  1. Reflect and consider how you might apply anything learned from any of the presentations at the summit.
  2. Discuss current initiatives, issues, and challenges being faced by your institution, online organization, online faculty, or online learners.
  3. Consider and share solutions or innovations being used or tested at your institution, within your org, or by your online faculty, or IDs.
  4. Explore opportunities with colleagues at the event for any types of collaborations between campuses, groups or individuals.

These sessions will take place on:

  • Day 2 at 4:45 – 5:45PM
  • Day 3 at 10:15AM – 11:15PM

Social Networking Activities:

For in-person attendees the morning and afternoon Breaks, Lunch & Dinner are intended to provide attendees with the opportunity to network. Please let us know if you would like to be introduced to someone, or to connect with someone on a particular topic or challenge you are interested in! We would be happy to make introductions!

For our virtual participants, use the #hashtag #SUNYOnlineSummit to contribute to the Summit backchannel and meet new friends & colleagues to share and enhance the virtual event experience for yourself and others!

  1. In Person: Join us for:
    • Open Networking during Lunch on Day 1 & and Lunch and Dinner on Day 2.
    • Self-organized affinity group Dinner-on-your-own arrangements on Day 1
    • Affinity group Dinner Tables on Day 2
  2. Virtual: Join us for open networking with virtual participants
    • Day 1 – stay for a virtual coffee break between sessions at 3:30-3:45PM
    • Day 2 – virtual coffee break between sessions at 11:15-11:30AM & 3:30-3:45PM
  3. Virtual & In Person:
    • Contribute to our online photo pool!
    • Share ideas and comments from the Summit in the social platform of your choice with the #hashtag #SUNYOnlineSummit.

Learn more about the Summit Socials.

John & AlexErin
Summit Networking Coordinators:

John Zelenak, Operations Manager, SUNY Online@JohnZelenak
Alexandra M. Pickett, Director of Online Teaching, SUNY Online@alexpickett ,
Erin ManeySUNY Online Communications & Community Engagement Manager. @expertlymade,
Susan Warner,
Michele Forte,
Maureen Kinney
Dan Feinberg
Steve Race,
Jamie Heron,
Viktorya Mirzoyan,
Mike Walker
Lin Lin

Track: Plenary