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Michelle Singh: Adapting to Innovation

DAY 2: Thursday, February 27, 2025
3:45PM – 4:45PM

Adapting to Innovation: Strategy and Capacity Building for AI and Beyond

There is one constant in innovation: change. New technology-influenced opportunities are consistently introduced in our ever-evolving society. How an institution assesses readiness for adoption and strategically considers the pathway for implementation of new innovations is critical to sustainable success and digital growth. 

The Adapting to Innovation Initiative of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Division of Digital Learning is intended to provide resources, programs, and services to institutions of higher education, and connect the community to build a strong foundation for present and future engagement with technological innovations.

This session will give an overview of the Adapting to Innovation concept, explain the need for building institutional capacity, provide practical examples of programs, and services being developed by the THECB Division of Digital Learning to facilitate this process, and share with participants openly licensed resources developed by THECB in partnership with Texas institutions, which can be used and adapted to address this need in other states.

head shot of Michelle Singh

Michelle Singh, Ph.D., Assistant Commissioner, Digital Learning, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

TracksPlenary, (Online Admin/LeadershipOnline Student SupportOnline Instructional DesignersOnline Faculty)