Panel: Using AI to improve online learner writing and online instructor effectiveness
Packback’s new writing tool, Deep Dives, supports improvements in online learner writing skills. Using AI, Deep Dives assists online learners with the planning, researching, drafting, and citation creation process of writing assignments – and gives them feedback in real time, based on a rubric set by the instructor. Packback Deep Dives assists in improving online learner writing skills, and allows online instructors to have more time to focus on providing discipline and course-specific feedback. Deep Dives has increased instructor satisfaction with student writing by over 70%.
In this panel session, SUNY online instructors currently using Deep Dives will discuss their experiences with the writing tool. Summit attendees will hear directly from SUNY online faculty who are using this AI-powered technology to provide learners with real-time writing and instant research feedback, while providing instructor grammar and mechanics grading assistance enabling them to focus on content. Panelists will share their candid experience of using Deep Dives for long-form writing within their classroom.
Moderator: Dan Feinberg, Interim Director, SUNY Online
Kathleen Borbee, Monroe Community College
Benjamin Williams, Binghamton University – Chemistry
Tracks: Online Faculty, Online Instructional Designers
DAY 1: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
2:30PM – 3:30PM