DAY 2: Thursday, February 27, 2025 10:15AM – 11:15AM Share a mini presentation! Show, demo, or talk about your own innovation, best practice, cool tool, project, program, initiative, or idea (in online course design, instructional technology, online faculty development) in 3-minutes, or less. Please add your name and a bulleted list/summary of what you plan […]

Networking Activities
The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders. Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize. Social Networking activities take place virtually and in-person throughout the event. Networking with friends & colleagues at the […]

Social Networking: Dessert Social
The Summit provides opportunities for face-to-face and virtual networking, discussion, and social interaction for our online community of practice stakeholders. Our virtual and face-to-face participants are invited to join us to meet friends and colleagues, and socialize. Social Networking Event: Dessert Social Bring your dessert and/or a glass of your favorite beverage, and connect with […]