Recognition: Effective Online Practices Showcase 2023
The intention of a “community of practice” is to share what you know for the benefit of all in the community. The SUNY Effective Online Practices Award Program collects, shares, and showcases the online best practices, strategies, and innovative online teaching and learning activities of exemplary SUNY online practitioners from across the SUNY system. All […]

Panel: Investigating Videoconference Tools for HyFlex Courses
This panel will provide an overview of the “Tools for HyFlex Courses” project funded by the SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant program in the 2022-23 academic year. HyFlex courses are student-centered course offerings that give students the option of attending the course in person, synchronously online, or asynchronously online. Students have the ability to choose […]

Panel: Using AI to improve online learner writing and online instructor effectiveness
Packback’s new writing tool, Deep Dives, supports improvements in online learner writing skills. Using AI, Deep Dives assists online learners with the planning, researching, drafting, and citation creation process of writing assignments – and gives them feedback in real time, based on a rubric set by the instructor. Packback Deep Dives assists in improving online […]

ChatGPT Workshop: A Hands-On Guide to AI Challenges and Opportunities
This workshop will examine key features, limitations, and potential uses of ChatGPT, an artificial-intelligence (AI) tool that generates original text in a variety of formats. Please bring a laptop or tablet to make the most of hands-on activities and, if possible, create a free ChatGPT account in advance at chat.openai.com. In this workshop, participants will: Daniel […]