Welcome! | Smile 🙂 | SUNY Online
. 6th Annual SUNY Online Summit .
Face-to-Face Event with Live-streamed Sessions
February 26 – February 28, 2025
Syracuse, NY
The SUNY Online Summit, sponsored by the SUNY Online Teaching unit, is an annual SUNY-wide conference specifically for SUNY Fellows in the experienced, expert, exemplar, and innovator/researcher roles. Anyone, including Friends of SUNY, are welcome!
While this will be the 6th annual SUNY Online Summit, this will be the 26th annual Summit gathering. The first Summit was held in 1998 as an annual face to face meeting of the SLN faculty development and instructional design team and the online campus-based SUNY instructional designers whose campuses participated in the SLN program.
The event will be both a face-to face event in Syracuse, NY with a registration fee, and delivered virtually and free of charge for anyone interested in online teaching and learning, including SUNY Online online practitioners with expertise in online program administration, online faculty development/ instructional design, online instruction, online student support, etc. Friends of SUNY are also welcome!
Registration is required for both virtual and face-to-face participation.
Hotel reservations are open!
Check #SUNYonlinesummit for Summit news, status, and updates.
The SUNY Online Summit Program.