Developing a Professional Development School (PDS)

A Professional Development School (PDS) is a mutually beneficial collaboration and significant partnership among Institutions of Higher Education and P-12 schools. The PDS model provides students majoring in education with extensive classroom experience, based on the philosophy that teaching effectiveness is best learned through mentored immersion in the classroom.

One of the most exciting attributes of the partnership is its commitment to impacting all members. Not only do college faulty, teacher candidates, school principals and mentoring teachings collaboratively explore effective teaching practices through authentic classroom practice, but they promote and encourage professional development and educational innovation.

Among the artifacts is a presentation about the PDS model used at SUNY Buffalo State College, sample PDS and a model of an international PDS.


Related Literature:

Adams, A., & Ross, D. (2014). Clinical Partnership at a Distance: A Design That Transforms Teaching and Leadership. Peabody Journal of Education. 89(4), 533 – 546.

Cibulka, J. (2014). Systemic Strategies to Create Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation. Peabody Journal of Education. 89(4), 419 – 422.