Clinical Preparation

School Partnerships: Technology Rich Classrooms and the Student Teaching Experience

Building upon an established relationship between a college and a local school district, this project formally designed a “partnership school” at which teacher candidates conduct field experience. In addition to providing these participating candidates with a clinically rich experience through closer supervision by and interaction with their faculty supervisor, the project enriched the experience of the high school English students by providing appropriate technology in the classroom and integrating it with instruction. Program implemented at the SUNY College at Oneonta detailed in academic journal article and presentation.

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Transforming Clinical Practice through Partnerships: A Model for Advancing Clinical Practice

The University at Albany School of Education implemented a grant-supported Adolescent Special Education Clinically Rich Pilot Program with local educational partner, Amsterdam High School. Based upon the successes of the pilot model, the University at Albany scaled this work through the development of a “practicum loop” clinical model for the Adolescent Special Education program which engaged additional partner districts while also addressing the end of grant funding by applying best practice from the pilot using existing resources.

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Developing a Professional Development School (PDS)

A Professional Development School (PDS) is a mutually beneficial collaboration and significant partnership among Institutions of Higher Education and P-12 schools. The PDS model provides students majoring in education with extensive classroom experience, based on the philosophy that teaching effectiveness is best learned through mentored immersion in the classroom.

One of the most exciting attributes of the partnership is its commitment to impacting all members. Not only do college faulty, teacher candidates, school principals and mentoring teachings collaboratively explore effective teaching practices through authentic classroom practice, but they promote and encourage professional development and educational innovation.

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